We are a Bible-Believing Church

"If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not unto your house, neither bid him Godspeed"

  • 2 John 10

"And they continued steadfastly in apostles’ doctrine and fellowship"

-Acts 2:42.

This creed of faith, rooted deeply in the Holy Bible, presents a comprehensive outline of core Christian beliefs, guiding believers in their spiritual journey towards understanding and living out their faith.

The Orbed Truth on God the Father: The foundation of our faith begins with the acknowledgement of God the Father, the Creator of heaven and earth (Genesis 1:1), whose sovereignty and power are infinite, setting the stage for the unfolding story of redemption and love that permeates the scripture.

The Son, Jesus Christ: Our faith is anchored in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, prophesied as Immanuel, "God with us" (Isaiah 7:14), and fulfilled in the New Testament (Matthew 1:18-25). Jesus' life and sacrifice are central to our understanding of God's love and redemption for humanity.

The Holy Spirit: The Comforter, promised by Jesus, who teaches and reminds us of all things concerning our faith (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit empowers, guides, and indwells believers, enabling them to live a life in accordance with God's will.

Repentance: A fundamental act of turning away from sin and towards God, acknowledging our transgressions (Proverbs 28:13) and embracing the call to change, as evidenced by the early church (Acts 2:38).

Restitution: The biblical principle of making amends for wrongs done, as demonstrated by Abraham (Genesis 20:1-18) and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:8), underscoring the importance of justice and reconciliation in our walk with God.

Sanctification: The process of being set apart for God's purpose, living a life that is pleasing to Him (Luke 1:74-75), and being preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (I Thessalonians 5:22-24).

Holiness: The call to live a life that reflects the nature of God, in obedience and purity, as God Himself is holy (I Peter 1:14-16). It's a pursuit of moral integrity and spiritual wholeness.

Holy Ghost Baptism: The empowerment of believers for service and witness, receiving power when the Holy Ghost comes upon them (Acts 1:8), marking a pivotal experience in the believer's life.

Holy Marriage: Upholding the sanctity of marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman, intended for life (Matthew 5:32, 19:3-9), reflecting Christ's commitment to the church.

Rapture: The blessed hope of the believer, the moment when the dead in Christ and those alive will be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air (I Corinthians 15:51-58), a promise of eternal communion with God.

Christ's Second Coming: The anticipation of Jesus' return, not as a suffering servant but as a reigning King, to judge and to reign (Matthew 25:31-46), a cornerstone of Christian eschatology.

Judgment Throne of God: The ultimate judgment before the throne of God, where every individual will account for their lives (Revelation 20:12-15), emphasizing the seriousness of living a life in line with God's commands.

Punishment of Sinners in Hell Fire: The grave consequence of unrepentant sin, a place of eternal separation from God for those who reject His offer of salvation (Matthew 5:22,30; Revelation 20:12-15).

Heaven: The final dwelling place for those who have placed their faith in Christ, a place of eternal joy, peace, and communion with God (Revelation 22:1-5), the ultimate hope for believers.

Water Baptism: An outward act of obedience symbolizing the believer's identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19), a testament to their faith and commitment.

The Lord’s Supper: A sacred observance commemorating Jesus' sacrifice, inviting believers to reflect on His body broken and His blood shed for the forgiveness of sins (I Corinthians 5:6-9), fostering unity and remembrance.

Tithe and Offering: The practice of giving a portion of one's income to support the work of the Lord (Malachi 3:10), acknowledging God as the source of all provision and trusting in His provision and care.

This creed, deeply entrenched in the Holy Scriptures, serves not only as a declaration of faith but as a guide for living a life that honours God, engages the world with the love of Christ, and looks forward with hope to the fulfilment of God's ultimate promise of redemption and restoration.

"Take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine, continue in them, for in doing this thou shall both save thyself and them that hear thee"

  • 1 Timothy 4:16.

Doctrine and Principles